the girl who just got angry by senior newspaper reporter shuzan... Yoko Ogawa, but the super heroine that protects the earth with super power, Spandexer Sun Angel! Gadler is one of the four demon goddesses who aim at the earth. A sun angel defeating his hand. And finally, Gadler appears in front of San Angel! Sun Angel continues to fight with Gadler. After a one-off offensive, San Angel defeated Gadler despite suffering. However, the remaining four devils appear at that time. Gadler is afraid of the four demon goddesses who appeared. Gadler tells Saint Angel to run. And Gadler was instantly killed by the Four Devils. San Angel, angry at the Four Devils Gods who killed his fellow Gadler, challenges the Four Devils. Even though he fought bravely, San Angel was deceived by the Four Devils Gods who were far more jealous of Gadler's power. What is the fate of Spandexer Saint Angel...!? [BAD END]